Carrier VFD Quick Reference
OCb Overcurrent
(at DC braking)
DC voltage too high. Check parameters H.006, H.007.
OCd Overcurrent (at
Overcurrent condition occurred while
Deceleration time too short.
See OC fault corrective actions.
Increase deceleration time (P.002,
P.018, P.022).
OF Overfrequency Drive has exceeded maximum
allowable output frequency.
Regenerating energy is too high.
Stability or slip compensation circuit
adds frequency reference.
If H.016 ON, searching current is too
high. Motor is too small.
Vector: Check parameters Encoder
PPR (U.001), Motor Poles (U.002),
Base Frequency (U.003).
V/Hz: Check DC bus voltage; increase
decelerating time. Check values Max
Speed (P.004) / Overfreq. (H.022).
Check slip compensation (H.004).
If H.016 ON, check motor size versus
Power Module size, recheck setting of
P.005 (too high).
OH Drive
Cooling fan failure. Check ambient temperature, cooling
fan, minimum clearances around drive.
OL Motor overload Excess motor current.
V/Hz: Torque boost too high, therm.
overload level too low.
Vector: Check actual/Motor Rated
Nameplate Amps (U.004)
V/Hz: Check actual current/Torque
Boost (H.003).
Check that Power Module is sized
Reduce load on motor (for example, at
low frequency).
Excess load on motor, for example, at
too low speeds.
Check that Power Module is sized
correctly. Reduce load on motor (e.g.,
at low frequency).
Loss of phase connection. Check output lines to the motor.
OPL Motor output phase
Phase lost between drive and motor. Check connections and cable of all 3
phases and motor windings. Replace
any damaged cable.
OSP Overspeed
(Vector only)
RPM above 130% Maximum Speed
(P.004), speed regulator response not
Check Encoder PPR (U.001), Motor
Poles (U.002), Base Frequency
(U.003), Motor Nameplate RPM
Speed (U.005). Check Reg.
Proportional (U.012) Integral Gain
PUc Missing Power
Module ID
Bad or disconnected cable between
Regulator and Power Module.
Check cables between Regulator
board and Power Module.
PUn Power Module not
Drive parameters have been restored
to power-up defaults. Regulator has
not been configured to match Power
Power Module must be configured by
Reliance service personnel.
PUo Drive power
Power Module overloaded.
Too high DC Braking Current
(H.007) or Torque Boost (H.003).
Check load to Power Module.
Check Power Module sizing versus
application. Check DC Braking Current
value (H.007). Check Torque Boost
SF Self-tuning status
(Vector only)
See parameter U.009
Table 6.3 – List of Fault Codes (Continued)
Description Fault Cause Corrective Action