Carrier VFD Quick Reference
Step 8. Press UP ARROW until P.048 is displayed.
Step 9. Press ENTER.
Step 10. Press UP or DOWN ARROW to select UEC or U-H mode.
Step 11. Press ENTER. Observe SELF is displayed briefly.
Step 12. Press UP or DOWN ARROW until P.006 is displayed.
Step 13. Press ENTER.
Step 14. Press UP ARROW until 75 is displayed.
Step 15. Press ENTER.
Step 16. Press UP ARROW until R998 is displayed.
Step 17. Press ENTER.
Step 18. Press UP ARROW until ON is displayed.
Step 19. Press ENTER.
Step 20. Press UP ARROW until P.999 is displayed. Depending on software version,
the display may show PUGH or P.999.
If PUCH is displayed, wait for 0 to display. The procedure is complete.
If P.999 is displayed, continue with step 21.
Step 21. Press ENTER.
Step 22. Press UP ARROW until the correct power unit current and voltage rating
code appears. The codes are as follows:
Step 23. Press ENTER. PUCH should appear briefly.
The drive is ready to operate. If in vector mode, enter the correct values for
U parameters and perform SELF TUNING.
Amps Code
41LR4060 414 41.4
50LR4060 500 50.4
64LR4060 643 64.4