9-4 Inputting and Editing Cell Data
This section explains how to input and edit formulas, text, and other spreadsheet cell data. It
covers how to copy, insert, and delete cells.
Note that the S
SHT mode does not support complex number data.
k Basic Cell Data Input
You need to enter the edit mode in order to input data into a cell. There are two different
methods you can use to enter the edit mode, and the method you should use depends on
whether you want to input new data or edit the cell’s existing data.
When you want to do this: Use this method:
Replace the cell’s current contents with Select the cell and then start inputting.
your new input.
Retain the cell’s current contents to edit or Select the cell and then press 2(EDIT)
add to it. 3(CELL). Next, edit the cell contents as
Inputting and Editing Cell Data
Normally, the contents of the cell
where the cell cursor is located are
displayed flush right in the edit box
(input and editing disabled).
In the edit mode, the cell’s contents
change to flush left, to indicate that
input and editing are enabled.