k Random Number Generation (Ran#)
This function generates a 10-digit truly random or sequentially random number that is greater
than zero and less than 1.
•A truly random number is generated if you do not specify anything for the argument.
Example Operation
Ran# (Generates a random number.) K6(g)3(PROB)4(Ran#)w
(Each press of w generates a new random w
number.) w
•Specifying an argument from 1 to 9 generates random numbers based on that sequence.
•Specifying an argument of 0 initializes the sequence.*
Example Operation
Ran# 1 (Generates the first random number in sequence 1.) K6(g)3(PROB)
(Generates the second random number in sequence 1.) w
Ran# 0 (Initializes the sequence.) 4(Ran#)aw
Ran# 1 (Generates the first random number in sequence 1.) 4(Ran#)bw
Function Calculations
Changing to a different sequence or
generating a totally random number (without
an argument) initializes the sequence.