Obtaining individual heart rate zone for building up power
Athletic ability is different from person to person. The effective and reasonable target
heart rate zone has to be obtained from the actual ride data. A time trial for 20 minutes
or 5 km (hereinafter abbreviated as TT) is required to measure the actual data. Perform
the TT under the following conditions, according to the specified procedure.
TT is a training item, in which riders bicycle a specified distance at full speed. *
The last half is especially a very physically demanding workout. Maintain the
pace so that you can ride the specified distance at a stable speed.
Conditions for time trials
For the TT measurement, a continuous ride for 20 minutes is ideal. When
such a course that you can ride continuously for 20 minutes is not available,
use a 5 km course that you can ride continuously. Measure the course distance
in advance, and specify the start and goal points. Repeat the TT twice, and
calculate the average of the average heart rates in the 2 sessions, which will
be used as an average level for setting the zone.
Procedures for time trial measurements
Maintain a good physical condition. If you have any worries, consult with •
a doctor before you attempt any time trial.
Do not perform any TT on a road where many signals are located and the •
traffic is heavy.
Be sure to pay attention to the road ahead during a TT.•
Perform a TT in a week which is scheduled with relatively mild training.*
Warm up sufficiently at least for 30 minutes before you attempt any TT.*
Select the manual measurement (on page 26).*
Stop your bicycle at the start point, and reset the wristwatch.
Press the
SSS button to start the TT.
Gradually accelerate up to a stable speed in the first 1-minute. Keep up the
intensity level that you feel is moderately difficult. Set a pace so that you
do not slow down in the last half, and maintain the pace to the finish.
Once you reach the goal, stop the measurement by pressing the
SSS button.
Cool down for 30 minutes while drinking some water.
Repeat the TT once more.
Repeat Steps 1 to 3.
Check the measurement data.
Record the average heart rate of two TT data from the Data mode “File view”
(page 39). Record the other data (time, average cadence, average speed,
etc.) for your reference.