Screen display
Icon Description
Sensor icon
Displays the speed sensor currently synchronized.
km/h mph
Speed unit
Flashes while the measurement (counting the elapsed time).
Alarm clock
Lights up when the alarm clock is on.
Speed/Cadence sensor signal
Indicate Speed/Cadence sensor signal status. (page 22)
Heart rate sensor signal
Indicate Heart rate sensor signal status. (page 22)
Target zone
Lights up when the target zone is on, and flashes when it is out of the zone.
Low battery alarm
Flashes when the battery of the wristwatch needs replacing with a new one.
Heart rate unit
AM/PM display (lights up when using the 12-hour system)
Lap indicator
Lights up while the lap data is displayed.
Lights up when the auto-mode function is on.
Zone, memory point utilization
Lights up when the HR alarm sound feature is turned on.
Button navigation
Indicates the buttons available while setting up
the wristwatch, or on the Setup screen.
Speed pace arrow (upper display)
The pace arrows show whether the current speed is faster
) or slower ( ) than the average speed.
Heart rate pace arrow (middle display)
The pace arrows show whether the current heart rate is
faster (
) or slower ( ) than the average heart rate.
Upper data display
Lower data display
Upper selected mode icon
Indicates the measurement data currently displayed in the
upper data display.
Lower selected mode icon/unit
Indicates the unit along with the data currently displayed in
the lower data display.