Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Cisco Support Tools
This section contains the following topics:
• About Cisco Support Tools with Cisco CRS, page 6-1
• Accessing Cisco Support Tools, page 6-1
About Cisco Support Tools with Cisco CRS
Cisco Support Tools can help you manage and troubleshoot the Cisco CRS servers. Cisco Support Tools
is a suite of utilities, but not every utility in the suite is supported by Cisco CRS.
Cisco CRS supports two components of Cisco Support Tools:
• Node Agent Service
The Node Agent Service is bundled with the CRS installer and is automatically installed on every
CRS machine when you install the CRS software.
• Server
The Support Tools Server must be installed separately on a different machine. It provides a web
server and the Support Tools Dashboard user interface.
Accessing Cisco Support Tools
Although the Support Tools Node Agent Service is automatically installed with CRS, before you can
use it, you also need the Support Tools Server software. You must purchase the server software
separately from your Cisco Representative.
The documentation that provides instructions on how to use Cisco Support Tools can be found on the
Cisco website at
When you purchase Support Tools from Cisco, the documentation is also included on the CD with the
Support Tools Server software.