Cisco Customer Response Solutions Servicing and Troubleshooting Guide, Release 5.0(1)
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting Tips
Cisco Unified CCX Problems
Agents do not show in a CSQ
Symptom A CSQ is configured with a group of agents for Skill A and a group of agents for Skill B;
however, the agents do not show up in the CSQ.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause Agents do not have all the skill levels of the CSQ or the skill level of the agents do not
have equal or higher skill levels than that of the CSQ.
Recommended Action Verify that agents have all the skill levels of the CSQ and that the agents have equal
or higher skill levels than that of the CSQ.
Caller gets dropped when an attempt is made to recall a Unified CCX agent
extension after the agent previously parked the call
Symptom Agent A gets a Unified CCX call and parks that call. After the parked call times out, a recall
is attempted to the Agent A extension (if no other agent has picked up the call). If Agent A is busy
handling another call on that Unified CCX extension while the previously parked call is being routed,
the caller gets dropped.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause A parked call gets dropped if an attempt is made to place the call again to a busy line that
is not set with forward busy.
Recommended Action Configure the Unified CCX extension of Agent A withForward Busy to a
non-Unified CCX line on the same phone.
Also, configure this line as Forward Busy to the Unified CCX route point. When an attempt is made to
recall the Unified CCX extension of Agent A, the call is forwarded to the non-Unified CCX line if the
extension is busy. If the non-Unified CCX line is busy, the call is forwarded to the Unified CCX route
point and gets queued again instead of being dropped. You can set up the workflow of the Unified CCX
route point to increase the priority of the call.
Updating a NIC driver disables silent monitoring and recording
Symptom After updating a network interface card (NIC) driver, the Cisco Supervisor Desktop and Cisco
Agent Desktop Silent Monitoring and Recording features do not work.
Error Message None.
Possible Cause This problem can occur if you have updated a NIC driver on a server on which you
checked the VoIP Monitor Server check box during the installation of Cisco CRS.
Recommended Action Reinstall Cisco CRS. Make sure to check the VoIP Monitor Server check box in the
Component Distribution pane.