Chapter 4 Uninstalling Cisco IPICS
Uninstalling Cisco IPICS from the Cisco IPICS Server
Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Uninstalling Cisco IPICS from the Cisco IPICS Server
To uninstall Cisco IPICS directly from the Cisco IPICS server, perform the
following procedure:
Step 1 Log in to the Cisco IPICS server with root privileges.
The Cisco Linux desktop displays.
Step 2 To locate the uninstaller file, follow these steps:
a. To open the root directory, double-click the Root’s Home icon.
The contents of the /root directory display.
b. To open the ipics_db directory, double-click the ipics_db icon.
The contents of the /opt/cisco/ipics/ipics_db directory display.
c. To navigate to the /opt/cisco/ipics directory, click Up.
The contents of the /opt/cisco/ipics directory display.
d. To open the uninstaller directory, double-click the uninstaller icon.
The contents of the /opt/cisco/ipics/uninstaller directory display.
e. Locate the uninstaller icon, labeled uninstall_ipics_x_x, where the x_x
variable represents the version of Cisco IPICS you are uninstalling.
Step 3 To begin the uninstallation process, double-click the uninstall_ipics_x_x icon.
Cisco Linux displays a message window that offers options to display or run the
installer file.
Step 4 To open the installer, click Run in Terminal.
The installer displays a message about the information that will be overwritten
during the uninstall process. See Figure 4-1 for an example of the window.