Cisco IPICS Server Installation Guide
Upgrading Cisco IPICS
When Cisco releases a new version of Cisco IPICS, you receive the upgrade in
one of two ways:
• Downloading an installer by following the link that Cisco provides you when
an upgrade becomes available. You would then use a Secure File Transfer
Protocol (SFTP) utility program to transfer the file to the Cisco IPICS server.
This section includes a procedure that describes how to use the SSH Tectia
File Transfer Client to accomplish this task.
• Using an installation CD, so that you can upgrade in the same way as you
would install Cisco IPICS.
The Cisco IPICS upgrade procedure installs new application software files, but
preserves your database and log files. Cisco recommends that you back up your
files before you begin the upgrade procedure. For information on backing up files,
refer to the Cisco IPICS Backup and Restore Guide.
This chapter provides information about the procedures that you need to follow to
upgrade Cisco IPICS after you have initially installed the system. This chapter
includes the following sections:
• Performing the Upgrade from a CD, page 3-2
• Performing the Upgrade from a Downloaded File, page 3-10