Enable PXE on the Bare Metal Host
Once you are there, set the following:
• IP address of IPMI NIC
• Netmask
• Gateway
• Username and password for IPMI NIC
CloudPlatform uses ipmitool to control the lifecycle of baremetal hosts. By default, ipmitool uses the
interface 'lan' to issue ipmi commands. Depending on your motherboard, the interface may need to be
'lanplus'. Consult your hardware documentation to find out if this is the case. If so, modify the script /
# vi /usr/lib64/cloud/agent/scripts/util/ipmi.py
Modify all lines calling ipmitool. For example:
// Change this:
o = ipmitool("-H", hostname, "-U", usrname, "-P", password, "chassis", "power", "status")
// To this:
o = ipmitool("-H", hostname, ,"-I", "lanplus", "-U", usrname, "-P", password, "chassis",
"power", "status")
You do not have to restart the CloudPlatform Management Server for this to take effect.
11.3.3. Enable PXE on the Bare Metal Host
The bare metal host needs to use PXE to boot over the network. Access the BIOS setup screen (or
equivalent for your hardware) and do the following:
1. Set hard disk as the first priority device in the boot order.
2. Make sure the connected NIC on the bare metal machine is PXE-enabled.
3. Make a note of the MAC address of the PXE-enabled NIC. You will need it later.
11.3.4. Install the PXE and DHCP Servers
Each bare metal host must be able to reach a PXE server and a DHCP server. The PXE and DHCP
servers must be installed on a separate machine, or a virtual machine, residing in the same L2
network with the baremetal hosts.
1. Log in as root to a host or virtual machine running RHEL or CentOS v6.2 or 6.3.
2. You should have access to a file in the form of “CloudPlatform-VERSION-N-OSVERSION.tar.gz."
Copy that file to the machine. (The same file is used for either RHEL or CentOS installation.)
3. Untar the file and then run the install.sh script inside it. Replace the file and directory names below
with those you are using:
# tar xzf CloudPlatform-VERSION-N-OSVERSION.tar.gz
# cd CloudPlatform-VERSION-N-OSVERSION
# ./install.sh