Chapter 14. Network Setup
2. In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure.
3. In Zones, click View More.
4. Choose the zone you want to work with.
5. Click the Physical Network tab.
6. In the Network Service Providers node of the diagram, click Configure.
You might have to scroll down to see this.
7. Click Cisco VNMC.
8. Click View VNMC Devices.
9. Click the Add VNMC Device and provide the following:
• Host: The IP address of the VNMC instance.
• Username: The user name of the account on the VNMC instance that CloudPlatform should
• Password: The password of the account.
10. Click OK. Adding an ASA 1000v Instance
1. Log in to the CloudPlatform UI as administrator.
2. In the left navigation bar, click Infrastructure.
3. In Zones, click View More.
4. Choose the zone you want to work with.
5. Click the Physical Network tab.
6. In the Network Service Providers node of the diagram, click Configure.
You might have to scroll down to see this.
7. Click Cisco VNMC.
8. Click View ASA 1000v.
9. Click the Add CiscoASA1000v Resource and provide the following:
• Host: The management IP address of the ASA 1000v instance. The IP address is used to
connect to ASA 1000V.
• Inside Port Profile: The Inside Port Profile configured on Cisco Nexus1000v dvSwitch.
• Cluster: The VMware cluster to which you are adding the ASA 1000v instance.
Ensure that the cluster is Cisco Nexus 1000v dvSwitch enabled.
10. Click OK.