WN-5230-S VideoWall User’s Guide
Basic Steps for Alignment
This is a summary of the steps necessary to build a video wall thin mullion
displays and align their screens. This is a summary only. The details on how to
perform each step follow the summary.
1. Remove the screens from all the display units.
2. Build the video wall.
3. Start with the display unit in the center of the bottom row. Square its
adapter plate.
4. Using the Alignment Tool, working along the bottom row in both
directions from the squared adapter plate and align each of the other
Adapter Plates to its neighbor.
5. Align the adapter plates on the rest of the rows, working upward, to
the adapter plates in the bottom row.
6. Hang the screens on the bottom row and adjust them in or out so the
front surfaces (the screen faces) are flat with each other. Then do the
rows above.
7. Put retaining screws in the top row and cover any holes and seams
with black tape to prevent light leaks.
Alignment Procedure in Detail
Read through all the detailed parts of each numbered step before starting it.
1. Remove the screens from all
the display units.
A. Look down on the top of the screen and locate
the two retaining screws. Remove these screws,
using the 5/64-inch Allen hex wrench, and set
them aside.
B. Grab the sides of the screen, or use the finger
holes, and lift it up about half an inch (1 cm), and
remove it from the adapter plate. Set it aside.
2. Build the video wall.
A. Assemble the lower row first. Line up the legs for
the bottom row as straight as possible. Insert a
¼” x 2½” bolt through the holes as shown in
Figure 1. Tighten a nut securely on this bolt, but
not so tight as to bend the legs. From one end of
the bottom row, look along the row to see that all
the units are aligned, that the line of the front of
the display units does not curve forward or
backward, up or down. The straighter the first
row, the better the finished wall will be. And the
easier it will be to keep it straight as you build.
B. Secure the legs to the floor. Use the tapped 5/16-
18 holes in the front and rear of the legs. You can
put an eye-bolt in this hole and secure it to the
floor with a lag screw. Or use angle bracket,
screwed to the floor and bolted to this hole in front
and rear. Or use the optional BAS-520 base,
it to the floor and
the lower row of