
WN-5230-S VideoWall User’s Guide
1. Press the remote
control MENU button
The Main menu is displayed.
2. Press the Up/Down
arrow keys
Move the cursor to the Save Config (or Recall Config or Reset
Config) selection.
3. Press ENTER
The Save Config (or Recall Config or Reset Config) menu is
4. Press the Up/Down
arrow keys to
highlight the
pair of arrows #
# $
This is the Source selection area. The list of sources is shown in the
right column, with the current selection preceded by a bullet
stated next to the arrow symbols.
5. Press the Left/Right
arrow keys
Use the left/right buttons to choose the Source you want to
6. Press the Up/Down
arrow keys to
highlight the
pair of arrows #
# $
This is the Mode selection area, where you will choose the modes
that will be Saved/Recalled/Reset for the previously selected
Source. There is a separate memory for each source in each mode.
7. Press the Left/Right
arrow keys
Use the left/right buttons to choose the Mode you want to
Save/Recall/Reset. (If the Source is “ALL,” the only choice for Mode
is also “ALL.”)
8. Press the Up/Down
arrow keys to
highlight Save (or
Recall or Reset)
Press ENTER. A new menu appears as shown below.
Save Configuration Sure
# $
# $
Are you sure?
Yes No
9. Press the Left/Right
arrow keys to
highlight Yes
Press ENTER. The settings will be saved/recalled/reset for the
Sources and Modes you chose.
Shortcut: Unless you have made changes to a source or mode that you do
not want to save, it is easiest and safest to Save All sources, All modes.
Note: Resetting to factory default settings does not destroy the saved
settings in memory until you Save them.