
Chapter 5 Whitelisting
Body whitelisting 25
Following are example configurations which use header whitelisting to bypass
spam filtering for all addresses from the .gov and doj.org domains, respectively:
type=envelope; command=[mail from]; value=[@.*\.gov\b];
type=envelope; command=[rcpt to]; value=[@.*\.doj\b];
To match an explicit email address:
type=header; header=[From]; value=[\buser@domain\.com\b];
Body whitelisting
Body whitelisting checks the body of the email to see if it matches the given
regular expression. This type of whitelisting should only be used in cases where
you want to ensure delivery of a message that is considered spam by the
Cloudmark community.
Suppose that you want to whitelist automatic email messages from a house-
hunting site that contains an HTML header:
type=body; regex=[<h1>HomeHunters</h1>];
It is important to understand that complex regular expressions, when applied to
the entire email body, can adversely affect performance. For this reason, it is best
to stick to very explicit match patterns that do not use too many ‘*’ or ‘+’
Envelope whitelisting
Envelope whitelisting checks the SMTP envelope of an incoming message. This
provides a flexible whitelisting mechanism that will match any substring or
regular expression in the specified command field of the envelope. Like header
whitelisting, spammers can forge (or “spoof”) the From field to create the
illusion that the message comes from a trusted source.
Following are sample configurations for envelope whitelisting that bypasses
spam-filtering for messages containing “.ite” in the “mail from” and “recipient
to” attributes, respectively.
type=envelope; command=[mail from]; value=[@.*ite\b];
type=envelope; command=[rcpt to]; value=[@.*ite\b];