
Chapter 6 Cartridge Statistics Reporting
What statistics are collected 31
What statistics are collected
Information regarding the specific Cartridge instance is reported to Cloudmark
upon each Cartridge installation. The following is a list of statistics that are
collected by the Cartridge if reporting is enabled.
Table 3 Statistics key-value pairs
Key-value pair Description
customer id = <string> The exact value of
“customer id” in
cartridge.cfg. It is possible
that this value may be
blank for customers who
enable statistics but do not
specify a customer id.
host id = <string> The fully-qualified domain
name of the local machine
(or a sha-1 of the domain,
depending on the value of
“anonymize statistics”).
report serial = <positive integer> Identifies a specific report
from a given Cartridge
instance. This is
incremented for every
report, whether or not it is
sent successfully.
spamdna version = <string> Identifies the Cartridge
version of the instance
making the report.
cmae version = <string> This identifies the
Cloudmark Authority
Engine version using this
Cartridge. It may be
"unknown", meaning that
the Cartridge is being used
by a non-CMAE application
or CMAE < 2.0.