Maintenance and Service Guide 5-9
Addendum 108431-001 (11-88) to
Manual No. 108033-003
Table 5-2. Advanced Diagnostics Error Codes Continued
Code Description
Memory Test
201-01 Memory machine ID test tailed. The following steps apply to error codes 201-xx
through 202-xx:
1. Replace the video display controller board and retest.
2. Replace the system ROM and retest.
3. Replace the system memory board and retest.
4. Replace the system board and retest.
202-01 Memory system ROM
checksum failed.
202-02 Failed RAM/ROM map test.
202-03 Failed RAM/ROM protect test.
203-01 Memory write/read test failed. “Replace the memory board(s) and retest for error codes
203-xx through 205-xx.
203-02 Error during saving program memory
in write/read test.
203-03 Error during restore of program
memory in write/read test.
204-01 Memory address test failed.
204-02 Error during saving program memory
in address test.
204-03 Error during restore of program memory
in address test.
204-04 A20 address test failed.
204-05 Page hit address test failed.
205-01 Walking 1/0 test failed.
205-02 Error during saving program memory
in walking 1/0 test.
205-03 Error during restore of program
memory in walking 1/0 test.
*See Section 5.4 for Memory Error Code Information.