4-8 Chapter 4, Advanced Diagnostics Program
Addendum 108431-001 (11-88) to
Manual No. 108033-003
The following paragraphs describe the tests for
the various video configurations.
Video Controller
The Video Controller selection verifies the
integrity of the video display controller, the
video graphics controller, or the enhanced color
graphics board.
Display Characteristics
The Display Characteristics selection verifies the
ability of the video display controller and moni-
tor to display certain attributes: various intensi-
ties, blinking, and reverse video.
Character Set
The Character Set selection verifies that the
system can display all of the available character
80 x 25 Display
The 80 x 25 Display selection verifies that the
system can operate in both the high-resolution
and low-resolution modes.
The screen for the 80 x 25 high-resolution text
mode (9 x 14 character matrix) using inverted
video appears similar to Screen 1.
Screen 1.