1. Insert the inverter board LIF connector into the display cable.
2. Plug in the backlight cable to the inverter board.
3. Mount the inverter board into the display enclosure, aligning the
inverter board with the three mounting posts.
4. For the CSTN (10.4 inch) models, reconnect the inverter ground wire the
lower right corner of the display.
5. For the CTFT (10.4 inch) models, the inverter board slides partially
underneath the CTFT Display.
Chapter 3.2 Color STN (10.4 inch) Display (Models 420 and 430)
IMPORTANT: The Monochrome, CSTN and CTFT displays have different removal
and replacement procedures. Be sure to follow the procedures
for the specific display.
This section contains removal and replacement procedures for the
following CSTN (10.4 inch) display components:
o Display panel
o Shield
o Display cable
o Display ground cable
Removing the CSTN (10.4 inch) Panel, Shield, Display Cable, and the
Display Ground Cable
To remove the liquid crystal display CSTN (10.4 inch) panel, shield,
display cable and the display ground cable, follow these steps:
1. Disconnect all power from the computer and remove the AC Adapter and
battery pack (Section 3.2).
2. Open the computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CAUTION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
The computer becomes top heavy when the keyboard assembly is removed and
the display is opened. To prevent damage to the display and the computer,
ensure that the display assembly is opened at a 90-degree angle.
3. Remove the keyboard assembly (Section 3.7).