Table 5-6. Diskette Drive Computer Checkup Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
600 - xx Diskette ID drive types The following steps apply to
test failed 600 - xx through 698 - xx error
601 - xx Diskette format failed 1. Replace the diskette.
2. Check and/or replace the
602 - xx Diskette read test diskette cable.
failed 3. Replace the diskette drive.
4. Replace the system board.
603 - xx Diskette write, read,
compare test failed
604 - xx Diskette random seek
test failed
605 - xx Diskette ID media
606 - xx Diskette speed test
607 - xx Diskette wrap test
608 - xx Diskette write-protect
test failed
609 - xx Diskette reset
controller test failed
610 - xx Diskette change line
test failed
697 - xx Diskette type error
698 - xx Diskette drive speed
not within limits
699 - xx Diskette drive/media 1. Replace media.
ID error 2. Run Computer Setup.
Table 5-7. Serial Computer Checkup Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
1101 - xx Serial Port test Replace the system board.
Table 5-8. Modem Communications Computer Checkup Error Codes
Error Code Description Recommended Action
1201 - xx Modem Internal Loopback The following steps apply to