Relative Humidity:
Operating 20 to 80%
Nonoperating 5 to 90%
Operating 10,000 ft 3048 m
Nonoperating 30,000 ft 9144 m
Operating 5 G, 11 ms, half sine
Nonoperating 140 G, 2 ms, half sine
Operating .25 G, 10 to 500 Hz sine .25 octave/min sweep
Nonoperating .75 G, 10 to 500 Hz sine .5 octave/min sweep
Heat Dissipation Btu/hr kg-cal/min
Monitor Support 55 lb 25 kg
The MultiBay ISA Expansion Base is designed in accordance with ANSI
specifications (number X3.131-1993, Revision 10h) and IEEE 802.3
Chapter 8.9 System Interrupts
Table 8-17. System Interrupts
Hardware IRQ System Function
IRQ0 Timer Interrupt
IRQ1 Keyboard
IRQ2 Interrupt Controller Cascade
IRQ3 Unused
IRQ4 Infrared Serial Port (COM 3) (default)
IRQ4 RS232 Serial Port (COM 1) (default)
IRQ5 Audio (default) *
IRQ6 Diskette Drive
IRQ7 Parallel Port (LPT 1) (default)
IRQ8 Real-Time Clock (Not on ISA Bus)
IRQ9 Unused (Except by optional MPEG)
IRQ10 Unused (Network Interface in MEB default) **
IRQ11 Unused, available for PC Card