Floppy disk track 0 failed The diskette drive cannot read track 0 of the
diskette in the drive. Try another diskette.
If the problem persists, you may need to
replace the diskette drive.
Floppy information invalid, The drive parameters stored in CMOS RAM do
run SCU not match the diskette drives detected in the
Hard disk controller error The hard drive controller failed to respond
to the reset command. Check the drive
parameters. Power down the system and check
all appropriate connections.
Hardware information does The video adapter type specified in CMOS RAM
not match video card, run does not match the installed hardware.
Keyboard controller failure The keyboard failed the self-test command.
Keyboard failure The keyboard failed to respond to the RESET
ID command.
No interrupts from Timer 0 The periodic timer interrupt is not
RAM parity error at A RAM parity error occurred at the specified
location xxxx (hex) location.
ROM at xxxx (LENGTH yyyy) An illegal adapter ROM was located at the
with nonzero checksum (zz) specified address. An external adapter (such
as a video card) may be causing the conflict.
Time/Date corrupt - run SCU The time and date stored in the real time
clock have been corrupted, possibly by a
power loss.
Unexpected amount of The amount of memory detected by POST does
memory, run SCU not match the amount specified in CMOS RAM.
Hard disk xx failure A failure or an error occurred when trying to
(or error) access the hard drive.
Table 2-2. Fatal Error Messages
Message Description Beep Code
CMOS RAM test failed A walking bit test of CMOS RAM 3
location 0E (Hex) - 3F (Hex) failed.
DMA controller faulty A sequential read/write of the 4
transfer count and transfer address
registers within the primary and
secondary DMA controllers failed.
Faulty DMA page A walking bit read/write of the 16 DMA 0
registers controller page registers starting at
location 80 Hex failed.