
Compaq Evo Workstation W8000
DA-10847 World Wide — Version 19 — March 18, 2002 30
Technical Specifications
Dimensions (HxW) 4.5x8 in/11.43x20.32 cm
Refresh Rate (per display)
Matrox G200 Quad
Multi-Monitor Series (MMS)
Graphics Controller
Aspect Ratio Resolution Vertical Horizontal
4:3/5:4 640 x 480 60 to 200 Hz 31 to 102 kHz
800 x 600 60 to 200 Hz 38 to 114 kHz
1024 x 768 60 to 140 Hz 48 to 113 kHz
1152 x 864 60 to 120 Hz 54 to 110 kHz
1280 x 1024 60 to 100 Hz 64 to 107 kHz
1600 x 1200 60 to 90 Hz 75 to 113 kHz
1800 x 1440 60 to 70 Hz 89 to 104 kHz
16:9/16:10 856 x 480 60 to 200 Hz 30 to 108 kHz
1280 x 720 60 to 100 Hz 44 to 76 kHz
1600 x 1024 60 to 100 Hz 64 to 108 kHz
1920 x 1080 60 to 80 Hz 70 to 94 kHz
1920 x 1200 60 to 76 Hz 75 to 95 kHz
With DVI digital flat panel displays, the maximum display resolution is 1280 x 1024.
Maximum refresh rates may not be attainable at the highest display resolutions with 24 or 32-bit color palettes.
Standard Memory
32-MB SGRAM (8 MB per port)
DAC Speed
250 MHz
Data Path
128-bit Internal/64-bit External
Color Space Conversion
Quick Draw Support
DCI & DirectX Video Playback
Direct3D Support
Engine Acceleration
3 ROP bitBLT, Line Draw, Text, Color Expansion,
Basic Video Color Conversion and Scaling,
Triangle Setup Engine
Two output ports, which require 2 adapter cables to connect analog or digital
output displays
Analog Display Support
2 RGB cables support two DB-15
analog displays per cable
DVI (Digital Visual Interface) Display
DVI cable option kit provides two DVI
cables for connecting two DVI
compliant displays per cable
Display options supported
Four analog displays via two RGB
Four DVI displays via two DVI cables
Two analog displays via one RGB
cable and two DVI displays via one
DVI cable
PCI bus-mastering, texture mapping support, flat and Gouraud shading,
Anisotropic Filter, perspective texture, specular highlighting, dithering, full
scene anti-aliasing, Vertex fog
OS Support
Windows 2000 Professional (not available for Chinese, Taiwanese, or Korean
languages), Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP Professional