Compaq Evo Workstation W8000
DA-10847 World Wide — Version 19 — March 18, 2002 31
Technical Specifications
NVIDIA Quadro2 MXR Graphics
Dimensions (LxHxW)
Approximately 6.5 x 3.8 x 0.6 in/16.51 x 9.65 x 1.52 cm
Resolution Maximum Colors
Maximum Refresh Rate Memory Dedicated to
Texture Support
640 x 480 16.7 M 240 Hz 28.4 MB
800 x 600 16.7 M 240 Hz 26.4 MB
1024 x 768 16.7 M 200 Hz 22.8 MB
1152 x 864 16.7 M 170 Hz 20.3 MB
1280 x 1024 16.7 M 150 Hz 16.6 MB
1600 x 1000 64 K 120 Hz 22.6 MB
1600 x 1000 16.7 M 120 Hz 13.3 MB
1600 x 1200 64 K 100 Hz 20.8 MB
1600 x 1200 16.7 M 100 Hz 9.5 MB
1600 x 1280 64 K 100 Hz 20 MB
1600 x 1280 16.7 M 100 Hz 8 MB
1920 x 1080 64 K 85 Hz 19.9 MB
1920 x 1080 16.7 M 85 Hz 7.7 MB
1920 x 1200 64 K 85 Hz 18.5 MB
1920 x 1200 16.7 M 85 Hz 5 MB
3D/2D Controller
Integrated Quadro2 MXR 2D/3D 128-bit graphics processor unit (GPU)
VGA Controller Integrated into the Quadro2 MXR GPU
Bus Type
AGP 2X, 4X Graphics Bus
350 MHz
Memory Type
183 MHz SDR 2Mx32
Memory Amount
32 MB
Memory Speed
183 MHz
Controller Clock Speed
200 MHz
Color Planes
32-bit color buffer
Overlay Planes
1 16-bit Video overlay plane, software emulation for OpenGL overlay planes
Stencil Planes
8-bit stencil buffer
Alpha Planes
8-bit alpha buffer
24-bit Z buffer
Total bits/pixel
Maximum Vertical Refresh Rate
240 Hz
Maximum Pixel Clock
350 MHz
Multi-display support
Operating Systems
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP