Engine OII
Only use highqualitydetergentoilrated with
API service classificationSF, SG or SH. Select
the oil'sviscositygrade accordingtoyour
expected operating temperature. Refer topage
10 of this manualfor viscositychad.
Stop engine and waitseveral minutesbefore
checkingoil level.With engineon levelground,
the oilmust be to FULL mark on dipstick.
Change engine oil afterthe first five hoursof
operation, and every twenty-five hours
To Change Engine Oil
Change oil after first two operatinghotJrsand every
25 operating hoursthereafter. Drainoilwhileengine
iswarm. Followthe instructionsgivenbelow.
Tip the mowerwith thespark plugfacingup.
Place a container underthe dipstick.Pull the
dipstickout of oilfill.
Drainthe oilsump empty, collectingoil inan
approved container.
Filloilsump with21 ounces offresh SAE 30 oil.
Refer to page 10 of thismanual for oilfill-up
Air Cleaner
The air cleaner preventsdamagingdirt, dust,etc.,
from enteringthe carburetorand beingforced intothe
engine and isimportantto enginelife and
performance. Replace filter once a year or every 100
operatinghours,moreoften ifusedin extremelydusty
To Service Air Cleaner:
Turn air filter cover counterclockwiseand
remove the cover and filter from the flange.
See Figure13. Discardfilter.
Clean cover and flange thoroughly.
Insertthe new filter intothe cover.
Placethe cover and the filter against flange
withtab on the cover inserted into lower left
cornerof slot inflange. See Figure 13.
Pushcover firmly against flange and turn it
clockwiseas far as itwillgo. Make sure that the
retainers are locked aroundthe flange. See
Figure 13.
,_ WARNING: Never run the engine without
air cleaner completely assembled.
Clean Engine
Clean engine periodically. Remove dirt and
debriswith a clothor brush.
Frequently remove grass clippings, dirt and
debris from coolingfins, air intake screen and
levers and linkage. This will help ensure
adequate cooling and correct engine speed.
NOTE: Do not clean with a forceful spray of water as
water could contaminate the fuel system.
Spark Plug
Clean spark plugand reset gap to .030" at least
once a season or every 50 hours ofoperation.
See Figure 14. Spark plug replacement is
recommendedat the start ofeach season. Refer
toengine parts listfor correct spark plug type.
NOTE: Do not sandblast spark plug. Spark p/ug
shouldbe cleaned by scraping or wire brushing and
washing witha commercial solvent.
Feeler gap .030"
Spark Plug
r Cleaner
Filter Retainer
Figure 13
Figure 14
WARNING: Do notoperate the lawn
mower without a muffler, or tamper with
the exhaust system. Damaged mufflers or
spark arresters couldcreate afire hazard.
Temperature of muffler and nearby areas
may exceed 150° F(65°C).