more. Storethe mower ina clean, dry area.
Clean undersideofthe mower following
instructionsin the Maintenance section of this
Inspectand replace/sharpen blade, if required.
Refer tothe Maintenance sectionofthismanual
for blade care instructions.
Lubricatemowerfollowing the lubricationchart
on page 14 of this manual.
You canfold your mower's handle for convenient
storage as shown in Figure20. Followthe steps
below tofold the handle.
Remove the starter rope from the rope guide.
Loosenthe two handknobson the sides ofthe
handle, and let the upper handle folddown to
the rear.
Move the hairpinclipsto the outer holein the
weld pins on the handle mountingbrackets.
Spread the sides of the lowerhandle, and push
itforward and down.
Upper Handle
Figure 20
NOTE: When foldingthe handle forstorage or
transportation,be careful nottobend or kink the
IMPORTANT: It isimportantto prevent gumdeposits
fromforming in essentialfuel system partssuch as
carburetor,fuel filter, fuel hose, or tankduring
storage.Also, experience indicatesthatalcohol
blendedfuels (calledgasohol or usingethanol or
methanol)can attractmoisturewhich leadsto
separationand formation ofacids duringstorage.
Acidicgascan damage the fuel system of an engine
whilein storage.
Drainfuelsystem& carburetor
WARNING: Drain fuel intoapproved
container outdoors away from open flame,
Be sure engine is cool. Do not smoke.
Drain the fuel tank.
Start the engine and let it run untilthe fuel lines
and carburetor are empty.
Drain carburetor by removing bowl drain screw
which is locatedbelow the carburetor. See
Figure 21.
Figure 21
Note: Do not drain carburetor ffusing fuel stabilizer.
WARNING: Never use engine or
carburetor cleaner productsinthe fuel tank
or permanent damage may occur.
Use fresh fuel next season.
Use fuel stabilizer
NOTE: Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable alternative in
minimizing the formation of fuelgum deposits during
Add stabilizer to gasoline infuel tank orstorage
Always follow the mix ratio found on stabilizer
Run engine at least 10 minutes after adding
stabilizer to allow the stabilizer to reach the
Do not drain the gas tank and carburetor if
using fuel stabilizer. Drain all the oil from the
crankcase (This should be done after the
engine has been operated and isstill warm)
and refill the crankcase with fresh oil.