Crestron ST-TUNE Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner
Operations Guide - DOC. 5833A Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner: ST-TUNE •• 15
The next four sections describe a ST-TUNE within a SIMPL Windows program. The
first section provides initial configuration information, the second section details the
SIMPL symbol, the third section describes how a basic example program works by
using a textual description and a block diagram, and the fourth section describes the
screens of an advanced example program.
NOTE: The following descriptions assume that the reader has knowledge of SIMPL
Windows. If not, refer to the extensive help information provided with the software.
NOTE: VT Pro-e (version 2.1.8 or later) is required for the ST-TUNE example
touchpanels. The latest software version can be obtained from the What’s New page
(VisionTools Pro-e section) or Downloads page (VTPRO-E Library) of Crestron’s
website (www.crestron.com). New users are required to register in order to obtain
access to the FTP site.
NOTE: There is no need to recreate the ST-TUNE example touchpanels or example
SIMPL Windows programs. Both are available from the Downloads page
(EXAMPLES Library) of Crestron’s website (www.crestron.com). Search for
STTUNEA.ZIP that contains a basic example and STTUNEB.ZIP that contains an
advanced example. Each example contains the program and all associated files
required to complete the program.
Configure ST-TUNE Program
To create a program with a ST-TUNE, in the Configuration Manager of SIMPL
Windows, refer to the table below for initial configuration information.
Configure ST-TUNE Program
Desired control
System Views Refer to the documentation
supplied with the control system
for additional setup information.
System Views,
Cresnet Units
Double-click on ST/I-TUNE (or
single-click then right mouse-
click) on ST/I-TUNE. Select
Configure. Select NET ID then
select desired hexidecimal ID.
ST-TUNE and STI-TUNE Symbols
The diagrams on the next two pages show the ST-TUNE and STI-TUNE symbols in
SIMPL Windows. The two tables following the diagrams list the inputs and outputs,
respectively, and their functional descriptions.
NOTE: The US version ST-TUNE and international version STI-TUNE have the
same default NET ID. If both ST-TINE and STI-TUNE are used in the same Cresnet
system, refer to “Identity Code” that begins on page 10 for further information.
NOTE: All signals listed in the following tables apply to the US version ST-TUNE
and international version STI-TUNE except where noted.