Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner Crestron ST-TUNE
20 •• Integrated AM/FM/TV Tuner: ST-TUNE Operations Guide - DOC. 5833A
Basic Example Program
NOTE: There is no need to recreate the basic example SIMPL Windows program.
The program is available from the Downloads page (EXAMPLES Library) of
Crestron’s website (www.crestron.com). Search for STTUNEA.ZIP. New users are
required to register in order to obtain access to the FTP site.
The program provides the ability to select a band, tune a station, and engage
hardcoded presets from a touchpanel. For descriptions of the basic example
touchpanel and basic program, refer to the following sections.
Basic Example Touchpanel
The example touchpanel shown below demonstrates the basic capabilities of the
ST-TUNE. The band selection buttons are used to select the desired band and the up
and down buttons tune the frequency. The preset buttons recall station presets that
are stored in the control system SIMPL program.
NOTE: VT Pro-e is required for the ST-TUNE example basic touchpanel. The
latest version of VT Pro-e can be obtained from the What’s New page (VisionTools
Pro-e section) or Downloads page (VTPRO-E Library) of Crestron’s website
Basic Example Touchpanel
How the Basic Example Program Works
The example SIMPL program for the ST-TUNE is shown on the next page as a block
diagram. Certain inputs and outputs have been rearranged or omitted for clarity. The
touchpanel and ST-TUNE symbols are common to all (AM, FM, WX and TV)
functions but the diagram shows details the signals and logic for the AM function
only. The logic specifically for the AM functions are OR symbol S-2.1 and analog