3 pounds red be ll p ep p e r s
(a p p r o xi m a t e ly 8 me d i u m
p e p pe r s )
8 Garlic clove s, u np e e l e d
2 sh a l l o t s (about 1 oun ce),
finely c h op p e d
½ tablespo on unsalted
b u t t er
1½ teaspoo ns ext ra virGin
oliv e oi l
3 tabl esp oons w h i te w i n e
1½ c ups c hic ken s t o c k or
½ teaspoon f r es h l e m o n
jui ce
¼ t o ½
teaspoo n ko she r salt
f re s h l y Ground
bla ck p e p pe r
Makes about 3 cups
Approximate preparation time: 90 to 100 minutes,
including roasting and resting peppers
Preheat oven to 425°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment
Place half of the peppers on a prepared baking sheet with the
Roast in oven for 20 minutes. Remove the garlic cloves and
place in a small heatproof bowl. Return tray to oven and
continue roasting peppers for an additional 30 minutes,
flipping the peppers a few times so that they are evenly
blackened. Once the peppers are charred all over, place them
in the bowl with the garlic and cover tightly with plastic wrap.
Allow the peppers to cool and steam so that their skins
become loose, at least 30 minutes. Once cool, peel the skins
off the garlic and each pepper and remove seeds. Reserve
cleaned peppers with peeled garlic cloves. (It is possible to
store the peppers and garlic together in a plastic food storage
bag overnight.)
While the peppers are roasting, cut the remaining peppers
into 1-inch pieces.
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large work bowl
of the Cuisinart
Food Processor, add the shallots and pulse to
chop, remove and reserve. Add the raw pepper pieces and
pulse to roughly chop.
Put the butter and olive oil together into a large sauté pan
over medium heat. Once the butter melts, add the chopped
shallots; stir and sauté for about 2 minutes to soften, not
picking up any color. Stir in the chopped raw peppers.
Reduce heat to low and cover with lid. Allow peppers to sweat
for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Peppers are done
when they are soft. Remove lid from pan and increase heat
slightly. Add the white wine and stir until liquid is mostly
evaporated, about 2 minutes. Add the chicken stock, bring to
a steady simmer, and allow to reduce by half, about 5 minutes.
Put the cooked peppers and the reserved roasted peppers
and garlic into the work bowl. Add the lemon juice, salt and a
pinch of pepper; pulse 2 to 3 times and then process for
about 40 seconds, until ingredients are well blended. Taste
and adjust seasonings accordingly.
Nutritional information per serving (½ cup):
Calories 100 (24% from fat)
carb. 17g
pro. 3g
fat 3g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 3mg
sod. 233mg
calc. 27mg
fiber 5g
This sauce combines the sweet taste of the red pepper with its
roasted counterpart to create a flavor-packed yet healthy sauce,
perfect for chicken and fish.