This sauce can be used in many dishes, including eggs benedict
and steamed vegetables.
Makes 1½ cups
Approximate preparation time: 15 minutes
Place butter in a saucepan over low heat to melt.
Insert the large chopping blade into the large work bowl of
the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the yolks, mustard, salt
and pepper and process for 90 seconds. Once the butter is
melted, turn heat up to bring the butter just to a boil. With
the machine running, very slowly drizzle ¼ of the hot butter
through the feed tube drop by drop, being sure each drop is
incorporated with the yolks before adding the next. This step
should take about 5 minutes. Once the mixture is emulsified
and homogenous, slowly add remaining butter until
incorporated, about 1 minute. Sauce will thicken to a
mayonnaise consistency. When all butter has been
incorporated, add the lemon juice and pulse to incorporate.
Taste and adjust seasoning accordingly. Serve while still warm.
Nutritional information per serving (1 tablespoon):
Calories 108 (98% from fat)
carb. 0g
pro. 0g
fat 12g
sat. fat 7g
chol. 57mg
sod. 45mg
calc. 3mg
fiber 0g
24 tablesp oons (¾ pou nd;
3 st ick s) unsalted b u t t er
3 larGe eGG y olk s
1 tablesp oon di jon -s t y l e
mus tard
½ teas poo n kos her salt
¼ teaspoon f r es h l y
Ground black p e p p er
2 tablesp oons f re s h l e mo n
jui ce
2 ounces s h a l l o t s o r G r e e n
onio ns, t r i m m e d and cut
into 1-inch p ie c e s
3 ounces draine d s w e et
Gherkin p ick les
4 tablesp oons f re s h
ital ian p a r s le y
1 tabl esp oon dill w e ed
1 tablesp oon di jon -s t y l e
mus tard
½ teas poo n dried th y m e
3 tablespo ons drained
c a p er s
1½ cup s mayonnais e
½ c up nonfat plain y o Gu r t,
drained* ov er niG ht
tea spo on f r e s hl y Groun d
bla ck p e p pe r
Makes about 2 cups
Approximate preparation time: 5 minutes
Insert the large metal chopping blade into the large work
bowl of the Cuisinart
Food Processor. Add the shallots,
gherkins and parsley and pulse to chop, about 15 pulses.
Add the dill, mustard, thyme, and capers and pulse 5 times
to chop. Add the mayonnaise, yogurt and black pepper;
pulse to combine, 5 times. Do not overprocess. Refrigerate
until ready to use.
*To drain yogurt, place in a strainer lined with a coffee filter or
a yogurt strainer. Cover and let drain until desired thickness is
Nutritional information per serving (1 tablespoon):
Calories 72 (88% from fat)
carb. 2g
pro. 0g
fat 7g
sat. fat 1g
chol. 13mg
sod. 86mg
calc. 10mg
fiber 0g
This tartar sauce is good not only with fish and shellfish,
but also with steamed fresh vegetables.