Curtis enAble
40-Series Manual, Rev. B
bl Set Up the Turn Accel/Decel Rates
Adjusting the feel of the steering is one of the most critical steps in the tun-
ing process. The turn speeds, accelerations, and decelerations must all match
with the chair drive wheel configuration, travel speeds, and joystick mapping
to provide safe, responsive, and intuitive control. One of the most important
points is to always keep the Turn Decel parameters higher (faster) than the Turn
Accel parameters. This will allow the operator to come out a turn faster than
it was entered and prevents a “wallowing” insecure feel.
The parameters adjusted during this procedure are all found in the Program >
Profile 1 > Steer menu.
STEP 1. Start out with the two Dynamic Turn Radius Control parameters
turned off (Speed No Turn = 100%, Speed Full Turn = 100%).
Set the Gate Shape = 100%. Be careful during the next steps as
full speed and turning are allowed. Keep the area clear and use
a wide open space. Do not drive near walls or other immovable
STEP 2. Next, adjust the Turn Accel and Turn Decel parameters for both
high and low speeds. Drive the chair carefully, and make right-
angle (90°) turns.
If the chair takes too wide an arc, increase the Turn Accel
value. If the chair does not recover out of the curve quickly or
overshoots, increase the Turn Decel value.
If the chair whips into the curve too quickly, lower the Turn
Accel value or possibly the Turn Speed value. If the chair snaps
into the straight line too quickly or feels jerky in steering from
left to right, lower the Turn Decel value.
Conduct these maneuvers at both high and low speeds,
adjusting the appropriate parameters.
STEP 3. The speed at which the chair enters a turn greatly impacts the
tuning of the accel and decel turning rates. The enAble 40 system
has two features that can be used to slow the chair down or restrict
turning as a function of speed: Gate Shape and Dynamic Turn
Radius Control (see Figures 11 and 12, page 23). Gate shaping is
the traditional method; it simply causes the chair to slow down,
based on a fixed map, when the joystick is moved to the left or
right. Dynamic Turn Radius Control works by restricting the
chair’s turning radius as a function of chair speed. You can use
either, both, or neither of these features.
a. Leave the Dynamic Turn Radius Control turned off (Speed
No Turn = 100%, Speed Full Turn = 100%). Set the Gate
Shape = 50%.
b. Set up the Gate Shape by driving full forward at 100%
speed and then moving the joystick to the left or right 45
degrees against the gate. Adjust the Gate Shape up or down