Curtis enAble
40-Series Manual, Rev. B
The Battery Discharge Indicator on the enAble 40 system is quite flexible and,
when properly set up, will provide the user with reliable information on the
status of the battery system.
The batteries can be charged either with an onboard charger or an offboard
charger. With onboard charging, the charger is permanently mounted on the
chair, and one of the Multi-Function Inputs is used for charging functions.
With offboard charging, the charger is plugged into the charger port on the
handcontrol when it’s time to charge, and the Multi-Function Inputs are not
used for charging functions.
The BDI parameters (Program > Battery menu) must be set up specifically
for the type and size of the charger, the battery size, and the chair’s expected
drive cycle.
When setting up the BDI parameters, use the same chair and set of bat
teries for the entire procedure. Do not drive the chair or charge the batteries
except when requested to do so in the procedure.
Follow the steps in the order they are presented.
Before beginning the procedure, set the following initial values:
Partial Charge Min = 25 %
Full Voltage = 24.5
Empty Voltage = 20.4
Reset Voltage = 26.3
Start Charge Voltage = 23.9
Discharge Factor = 10
Charge Factor = 30
Step 1. Setting the Reset Voltage
1.a Plug in the charger, and fully charge the batteries. With the charger still
attached and running, measure the final battery voltage with a Digital
Volt Meter (DVM).
1.b Turn off or disconnect the charger and let the batteries sit for 1 hour.
Measure the battery voltage again.
1.c Set the Reset Voltage parameter to a value between these two measure
Step 2. Setting the Full Voltage
2.a Select a medium speed mode and drive the chair for 10 to 15 minutes.
2.b After this time and while driving straight on a level surface, record the
battery voltage displayed in the 1311’s Monitor menu.
2.c Set the Full Voltage parameter to this value.