Business Edition
Copyright © 2006-2007 Cyber Power Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 15
SNMP-TRAP community key: Find this setting on Network-
>Trap Notification page. Add a TrapReceiver and type Slave
IP and community key to fill the fields.
• SNMP-Request community key: Find this setting on Network->Access
Control page. Set the access control community key and it should have at
least read permission.
Note: Because the SNMP community key is limited to 15 characters, thus
you have to shorten the phase key setting to fit the limit.
Note: If you have firewall software installed, please configure the policy to
let port 3052 (UDP/TCP) and port 8443 (UDP/TCP) are available. The
communication between Agent and Slave can be established only when that
ports are available.
Configure protected system connected equipment
The Protected System Equipment page allows you to set and view connected
equipment. The connected equipment means all other equipment connected to
the same Battery Backup as Agent. You can add, modify, or remove equipment
by supplied equipment's name, location, and contact information. In the
equipment list, you can view equipment you added and the remote Slave
information. Whenever the Slave is connected to Agent, you will see the Slave
information in the equipment list. You can't configure the Slave information
directly in Agent.
• Name: Displays the description or name of the equipment.
• Contact: Displays who to contact when there are problems with the
• Location: Displays where the equipment is located.
• Powered by: Indicate which Battery Backup outlet supplies the equipment
power. You can see the outlet preview to verify whether the equipment is
connected to the correct outlet. This option may show more outlets control
according to the Battery Backup model type.
• Add equipment
1. Complete the text field for name, location, contact, and powered by
which outlet.
2. Click the Add button.
3. The new equipment will be added to equipment list below.
4. Click the Cancel button to cancel adding an equipment
• Modify equipment
1. Select the equipment from the equipment list and click it.