Business Edition
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The Authentication page allows you to change the username or the password.
The default username and password are "admin". You can change the
username and the password at the same time or just change only the
username or the password.
• Detail Information
o Username: The username to login this system. If you leave new
username blank, the username won't be changed.
o Password: The password to login this system. If you leave both
passwords blank, the password won't be changed
o Confirm Password: Verifies the passwords are identical.
• Steps to change username
1. Type the new username you want to set in New Username.
2. The valid values for username are alphanumeric (0~9, a~z, and A~Z)
and space character.
3. Click Apply button.
• Steps to change password
1. Type the old password in Old Password for permission checking.
2. Type the new password you want to set in New Password.
3. Retype the new password in Confirm Password to confirm it
matches New Password.
4. Click Apply button.
If you have no action for 10 minutes, the session will time out and you will
have to log in again.