Chassis Management
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 4-23
6. Click on the Save button.
Admin Name The admin username (superuser) of the device.
Admin Password Button to invoke a dialog box used to define the
Admin’s password. This password is used to
access the IBM Blade Center port, but NOT to
change the password. You must enter the SAME
password registered in the blade server.
IP Mode Dropdown list box. Select int_dhcp if
BladeManager is the DHCP server for this
device, or ext_dhcp if DHCP is served by
another server, or Static if using a static IP.
See Configuring Your DHCP Server, this
Mac Address The MAC address if the selected IP mode is
IP Address The IP address of the device for IP mode:
int_dhcp or static.
Netmask As indicated, in dotted notation.
Default Gateway As indicated, in dotted notation.
DNS As indicated, in dotted notation.
Connection Select the connection or session type for the
device: Telnet or SSH.
Back Button to return to the previous page.
Reset Button to reset the form.
Save Button to save your configuration.
Save / Create Blades Button to activate the Blade Wizard.
Devices Details Form - Fields and Elements
Fieldname Definition