Two Methods of Blade Configuration
AlterPath BladeManager Manual 4-31
Two Methods of Blade Configuration
Once the chassis has been defined and configured, there are two ways to
configure the blades and switches:
• Through the Blade Wizard
• Through the Consoles form
Status Dropdown list box to select:
Enable - connection between the BladeManager
and the device is ALWAYS established.
Disable - no connection is established, and all
child consoles follow this configuration.
IMPORTANT: The system will not allow you
to add or configure a switch console unless this
field is set to Enable.
Netmask As indicated, in dotted notation.
IP Mode Dropdown list box. Select int_dhcp if the
BladeManager is the DHCP server for this
device, or Static if using a static IP.
See Configuring Your DHCP Server, this
MAC Address This address is required ONLY if the IP mode is
Default Gateway As indicated, in dotted notation.
DNS As indicated, in dotted notation.
Back Button to return to the previous page.
Reset Button to reset the form.
Save Button to save your configuration.
Save / Create Blades Button to activate the Blade Wizard.
Table 4-5: Devices, Switch 1 Form - Fields and Elements
Fieldname Definition