F-2 Magellan
Datalogic Handheld Data Format Requirements
The following sections describe label transmission formats that are typi-
cally observed in factory configurations of Datalogic handheld scanners.
• Prefix must be ASCII characters ‘R4’
• Check character must be included in label
• Application identifier “01” must follow the prefix and preceed the
base label
• Label length excluding prefix characters must be 16 characters.
• Example: ‘R40101044123456789’
RSS Expanded
• Prefix must be ASCII characters ‘R4’
• Check character must be included in label
• Number system must be included in label data.
• Check digit must be included in label data and is assumed to be cor-
• Prefix must be an ASCII character 'A' - total length including prefix
must be 13.
• Example: 'A060992011187'.
UPC-A with 2-Digit Supplemental
• Number system must be included in label data.
• Check digit must be included in label data and is assumed to be cor-
• Supplemental data is appended to base label.
• Prefix must be an ASCII character 'A' - total length including prefix
must be 15.
• Example: 'A06099201118712'.