Remote Scale Display Placement/Installation
Product Reference Guide 2-29
Placing and Installing the Remote Scale Display
(Short Pedestal Base ONLY)
1. Determine where you want to install the Remote Scale Display
based on your counter design, the viewing angle and lighting con-
siderations discussed previously. Reference
Figure 2-14 for the dis-
play’s physical dimensions.
2. Use the short pedestal base template provided in
Figure 2-16 to
mark locations of the mounting screw and cable routing holes. The
mounting screw holes are on 3
/8” (8.57 cm) centers.
3. The cable can either be routed through a
/4” (19 mm) diameter
hole directly under the mounting base or through the cutout in the
back of the base (see
Figure 2-15).
4. Drill the mounting screw holes using a drill bit of the appropriate
diameter for your mounting screws or bolts.
5. Drill the cable routing hole using a
/4” (19 mm) drill bit
It may be necessary to shorten the stalk that supports the display head so
that the display is installed at eye level.
The connector at the Remote Scale Display end is secured with a rubber band
during shipping to prevent damage to the “locking tabs” (see Figure 2-15).
After routing the cable, remove this rubber band before the cable end con-
necting to the Remote Scale Display head. Failure to remove the band will
keep the connector from latching properly when it is connected to Remote
Scale Display port.
Before drilling, ensure the holes in your base match with the holes indicated
on the template.