5.5.2 Enter Sleep Timeout
For readers that have the Sleep state enabled, this timeout determines when the
reader will enter this state.
5.6.1 Trigger Signal
This mode determines how the reading phase is controlled when the hardware
trigger operating mode is selected:
• trigger active level: the reader goes ON when the trigger is pressed and goes
OFF when it is released
• trigger active pulse: the reader goes ON at the first trigger press and goes OFF
only at a second press
5.6.2 Trigger Click
When enabled, it activates a "click" sound upon each trigger pressure.
5.6.3 Trigger-Off Timeout
When this timeout is selected, the reader turns OFF automatically after the desired
period of time.
5.6.4 Reads per Cycle
In general, a reading cycle corresponds to the ON + OFF times of a device.
The resulting effects of this parameter on code reading depend on other related
configuration conditions. Here are the definitions of ON and OFF times.
• For readers using the software trigger parameter (FLASH MODE), a reading
cycle corresponds to the flash on + flash off times. Code reading takes place
during the flash on time.
• For readers using the hardware trigger parameter, a reading cycle corresponds
to a trigger press (ON) + one of the following OFF events:
trigger release (for trigger active level)
a second trigger press (for trigger active pulse)
trigger-off timeout (see par. 5.6.3).