5.10.1 Display Mode
The user can control the reader display behavior according to the following
Normal mode: When a barcode is read with the reader:
• The code is sent to the Host.
• The reader display is not cleared
. Therefore if any previous data was displayed
on the reader screen it remains.
• There is no Local Echo to the reader display.
Clear Display After Decode mode: When a barcode is read with the reader:
• The code is sent to the Host.
• The reader display is cleared
. Therefore if any previous data was displayed on
the reader screen it is cancelled and the screen remains blank.
• There is no Local Echo of the code to the reader display.
Local Echo mode: When a barcode is read with the reader:
• The code is sent to the Host.
• The reader display is cleared
• The code is also sent to the reader display (Local Echo).
• The cursor is positioned after the last printed character on the reader display.
Host messages sent to the reader
are always written to the reader display.