
Appendix F
102 E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual
Bar Code Default Widths and Heights
203 DPI Resolution 300 DPI Resolution
Height (inches) Ratio/Module Size Height (inches) Ratio/Module Size
A/a .40 6:2 .40 9:4
B/b .80 3 .80 4
C/c .80 3 .80 4
D/d .40 6:2 .40 9:4
E/e .40 2 .40 4
F/f .80 3 .80 4
G/g .80 3 .80 4
H/h .40 6:2 .40 9:4
I/i .40 6:3 .40 9:4
J/j .40 5:2 .40 9:4
K/k .40 6:3 .40 9:4
L/l 1.30 5:2 1.30 9:4
M/m .90 3 .90 4
N/n .80 3 .80 4
O/o .40 3 .40 4
p .08 N/A .08 N/A
Q/q 1.40 2 1.40 4
R/r 1.40 2 1.40 4
S/s 1.40 2 1.40 3
T/t .80 1 .80 1
v .5 1 .5 1
Module size: Dots / inches / mm Module size: Dots / inches / mm
U/u n/a / 1x1 / 25.4x25.4 (overall symbol) n/a / 1x1 / 25.4x25.4 (overall symbol)
Z/z 2x6 / .01x.03 / .22x.66 3x9 / .01x.03 / .21x.63
W1C / W1c 4x4 / .02x.02 / .44x.44 6x6 / .02x.02 / .42x.42
W1D / W1d 4x4 / .02x.02 / .44x.44 6x6 / .02x.02 / .42x.42
W1F / W1f 4x4 / .02x.02 / .44x.44 6x6 / .02x.02 / .42x.42
W1T 2x6 / .01x.03 / .22x.66 3x9 / .01x.03 / .21x.63
W1Z / W1z 2x6 / .01x.03 / .22x.66 3x9 / .01x.03 / .21x.63
Table F-2: Barcode Default Data
 Note: Some barcodes will be sensitive to the label command Dwh (Set Width and Height Dot Size),
see Label-Formatting Commands.