E-Class DPL Programmer’s Manual 143
Appendix M
Image Loading
The printer will accept four types of image files: .BMP, .IMG, .PCX and a special Datamax 7-bit ASCII
file (as defined in this section). Using the Datamax 7-bit ASCII format will require at least twice as much
data transmission time as the other formats (see <STX>I). The Datamax ASCII image file format is made
up of a set of records with identical formats, each representing a dot row of the image. The last of these
records is followed by a terminator.
Dot-row record
Dot-row record
Each dot-row record has the following format:
Syntax: 80nndd...d<CR>
Where: nn - Number character pairs in dd...d, represented in ASCII hex.
dd…d - Dot data, character pairs, ASCII hex, 00-FF
Duplicate records may be encoded using a repeat data record, following the data record that needs
duplicating. The repeat data record format is:
Syntax: 0000FFnn<CR>
Where: nn - Is the number of duplicates, ASCII hex, 00-FF.
The terminator, last record, at the image download is: FFFF<CR>