Welcome to CarChip
• CarChip/Choose Other Parameters - Set vehicle data parameters that the CarChip records. You
can select up to four different parameters in addition to vehicle speed to record.
Note: This dialog box displays only for CarChip models E/X or higher.
• Parameter Thresholds - Set thresholds for parameters monitored in the Summary Log view.
Note: This dialog box displays only for CarChip models E/X or higher.
• Anomalous Vehicles - Specify the vehicle in which the CarChip will be used. Some vehicles have
special OBDII communication properties. By selecting a vehicle name from the list, you are
configuring the CarChip data logger to adjust to that vehicle's unique communication features.
CarChip software features:
• Plots - Select the options for displaying plots and graphs.
• Select Units - Select the units of measure to be used for displaying data and information.
• Miscellaneous - Select an option for clearing your CarChip's memory.
• Driver ID - Add, delete, or edit the list of drivers using the CarChip data logger.
• Vehicle ID – Add, delete, or edit the list of vehicles using the CarChip data logger.
• CarChip ID - Edit the CarChip data logger names.
• CarChip Download - If the CarChip already has available data, lets you download the data now.