Welcome to CarChip
Threshold value.
Time Above Threshold Displays the total time the vehicle spent over the threshold value.
Min Value Below
Displays the value the CarChip recorded that was the lowest value under
the set threshold.
Time Below Threshold Displays the total time the vehicle spent under the threshold value.
OK Click to close the summary log view.
Delete All Click to delete all the records present in the summary log.
Go To Click to display a specific record number.
Previous Click to view the previous record.
Next Click to view the next record.
Help Click to receive context sensitive help for this dialog box.
2. Click OK to close the Summary Log dialog box.
To Delete all records:
1. Click Delete All. All the available records are deleted.
2. Click OK to close the Summary Log dialog box.
Note: Deleting all the records displayed in the Summary Log may impact the information displayed in the
CarChip Home Page and corresponding pages. Review the statistics and data displayed in these pages
before deleting all the summary log information.
The Comments dialog box provides functionality for adding comments to each individual trip, activity,
accident, or trouble record.
To display or edit the comments for a record:
1. Display the trip, activity, accident or trouble record that requires a comment. Use the drop down box
containing all the records for the current log view to display the record.
2. Select the Comments button when the record displays. The Comments
dialog box displays.
3. Enter new comments or edit existing comments.
4. Click OK to save the comments or click Cancel to exit the dialog box without saving the comment