Volume Copy Using the vol copy Command Set15-9
This command displays the status for a specified volume copy operation. If you do not
specify the operation number, the command displays the status of all volume copy
operations in progress. In the command output, the operations are differentiated from
one another with unique volume copy operation numbers, ranging from 0 to 3. For
more information about volume copy operation numbers, see Results of the vol copy
start Command.
If you start a volume copy operation from the filers console, you can enter the
copy status
command only through
when the copy operation is in progress.
This is because you do not have access to the filer prompt on the console when the
filer is copying the volume.
If data is being copied between two filers, you can enter this command through an
connection to either filer. The operation numbers displayed on the source filer
and the destination filer are different because the reading and the writing are consid-
ered two different operations.
The following example illustrates a
vol copy start
command that copies the
volume to the
volume on the same filer:
vol copy start -S vol0 vol1
Copy Volume: vol0 on machine to Volume: vol1
Reading the dump stream
VOLCOPY: Starting on volume 1.
This dump contains 257 blocks
10:04 pm : volcopy restore 1 : begun.
10:04 pm : volcopy restore 1 : 5 % done. Estimate 3 minutes remaining.
10:04 pm : volcopy restore 1 : 95% done. Estimate 1 minutes remaining.
Before the filer prompt is displayed again, you can use the
vol copy status
command on a trusted host of the filer, as shown in the following example:
rsh filer vol copy status
10:04 pm : volcopy dump 0 : 99 % done. Estimate 1 minutes remaining.
10:04 pm : volcopy restore 1 : 99 % done. Estimate 1 minutes remaining.
No operation 2 in progress.
No operation 3 in progress.
In this example, volume copy operation 0, shown as
volcopy dump 0
in the dis-
play, is for reading the data from the
volume; volume copy operation 1, shown as
volcopy restore 1
in the display, is for writing the data to the