Command Reference A-33
performed on the filer. It can also be performed via a restore done on an NFS
client machine; if such a restore is being done, the client system should be
checked to ensure it supports SunOS-compatible dump/restore format.
Client Dump and Restore Capability
If a client is to be used for performing filer dump and/or restore, it is impor-
tant to check what the maximum dump and restore capabilities of your client
system are before setting up a dump schedule. There are some client sys-
tems which do not support dump and restore of greater than 2 GB while
others may support very large dumps and restores. It is especially important
to check the restore capability of your system when using the filer local tape
dump since the filer supports dumps that are greater than 2 GB.
Ta pe Capacity and Dump Scheduling
Along with the potential 2-GB restriction of dump or restore on a client sys-
tem, it is important to consider your tape capacity when planning a dump
schedule. For the filer local tape option, the Exabyte 8505 supports an
approximate maximum capacity of 10GB per tape using compression. If a cli-
ent system is used as the target for your dump, the capacity of that tape
drive should be checked for dump planning.
If your filer file system exceeds the capacity of the local tape drive or the cli-
ent system dump/restore, or you choose to dump multiple file system trees
to make the restore process with multiple tape drives parallel, you must seg-
ment your dump to meet these restrictions.
One way to plan a dump schedule with a UNIX client system is to go to the
root mount point of your filer and use the du command to obtain sizes of
underlying subtrees on your filer file system. Depending on the restrictions
of your clientî‚’s dump and restore capability or recording capacity of the tape
device being used, you should specify a dump schedule that fits these
restrictions. If you choose to segment your dump, the norewind device (see
tape) can be used to dump multiple tape files to one physical tape (again,
choose a dump size which meets the criteria of your client restore and
capacity of your tape drive).
The following example shows the du output from a filer file system on a cli-
ent that supports dump and restore that are greater than 2 GB:
client% du -s *
4108 etc
21608 finance
5510100 home
3018520 marketing
6247100 news
3018328 users
You can use a tape device with approximately 10 GB on each tape to back up
this filer. The dump schedule for this system can use the norewind tape
device to dump the
subtrees to one tape volume, then