
Disk and File System Management3-25
Use SnapRestore to revert a volume to a snapshot. You can use this feature at any
time. After you enter the command for reverting a volume, the filer reboots with the
volume containing the same data as it did when the snapshot was taken.
You must meet these prerequisites before using SnapRestore:
SnapRestore is a licensed feature. You must enter the
code before you can revert a volume to a snapshot.
Snapshots must exist on the filer so that you can select one snapshot for the
The volume to be reverted must be on-line.
The volume to be reverted must not be a mirror used for data replication.
Be sure that you understand the following rules before reverting a volume:
SnapRestore overwrites all data in the volume. After you use SnapRestore to
revert to a selected snapshot, you cannot undo the reversion.
When you revert a source volume for data replication, try not to select a snapshot
taken before the SnapMirror snapshot. If you must revert to a snapshot taken
before the SnapMirror snapshot, the filer can no longer perform an incremental
update of the mirror; it must recreate the base-line version of the mirror.
Snapshot deletions are irrevocable. If you delete a snapshot, you cannot recover
the snapshot by using SnapRestore.
After you revert a volume to a selected snapshot, you lose all the snapshots that
were taken after the selected snapshot.
Reverting the root volume causes the filer to reboot with configuration files that
were in effect when the snapshot was taken.
To revert one or more volumes, perform the steps that follow. At any time before you
in the last step, if for some reason, you do not want to proceed with the vol-
ume reversion, enter Ctrl-C.
1. Notify network users that you are going to revert a volume so that they know the
current data in the volume will be replaced by that of the selected snapshot. NFS
users can unmount the files and directories in the volume before the reversion. If