CIFS Administration 7-7
7. To add a member, type a user or group name in the Members list box or use the
Add Users and Groups window, as described in Step 8.
8. Click Add.
Result: The Add Users and Groups window appears.
9. Click the arrow next to the List Names From text box to choose a domain that
contains names that you want to add.
Result: A list of names in the selected domain appears in the Names list box.
10. To add a name, type one or more user names in the Add Names list box or select
one or more names and click Add.
11. Specify one or more names in either of these ways:
Click one or more names in the Names list box.
Type valid user or group names in the Add Names list box.
12. Click Add in the window where you specified the names.
Result: The names are added to the Add Names field of the Add Users and
Groups window.
13. If you want, display the full name of a user associated with an account name by
clicking Show Full Name.
14. Click OK.
Result: The names appear in the Members field of the New Local Group window.
15. To remove one or more names from the list, select a name or names in the
Names list, then click Remove.
16. Click OK to put the additions into effect.
You can use a remote shell program, such as
execute CIFS commands
create scripts containing CIFS commands to automate similar access rights tasks