122 Configuring System Information
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Configuring Out-of-Band (OOB) Management Ports
This section describes managing the following device features through the Out-of-Band
management port. It includes information about the the Out-of-Band remote log server, Out-of-
Band default gateway, Out-of-Band IP interface parameters, Out-of-Band TACACS+ server and
Out-of-Band RADIUS server.
When managing these features using the Out-of-Band management port, in-band management of
these features is disabled. Use the SNMP interface to configure these features via the Out-of-Band
To open the
OOB Configuration
page, click
Out of Band
in the tree view.
Configuring Out-of-Band Remote Log Servers
OOB Remote Log Server Settings
page contains fields for viewing the available out-of-band
port log servers. In addition, new Out-of-Band log servers can be defined, and the severity of the
logs sent to the sever.
To open the
OOB Remote Log Server Settings
page, click
Out-of-Band Port
Log Server
in the tree view.
Figure 6-15. OOB Remote Log Server Settings
OOB Remote Log Server Settings
page contains the following fields:
Available Servers
—Servers to which logs can be sent.
UDP Port (1-65535)
—The UDP port from which the logs are sent. The default value is 514.