74 Configuring the Switch
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• When initially logging onto a device through a SSH session, enter
at the password
• When changing a device’s mode to enable, enter
Configuring an Initial HTTP Password
To configure an initial HTTP password, enter the following commands:
console(config)# ip http authentication local
console(config)# username admin password user1 level 15
Configuring an initial HTTPS password:
To configure an initial HTTPS password, enter the following commands:
console(config)# ip https authentication local
console(config)# username admin password user1 level 15
NOTE: You should generate a new crypto certificate each time you upgrade (install a new version of) the
control software application on the device.
Enter the following commands once when configuring to use a console, a Telnet, or an SSH session
in order to use an HTTPS session.
In the Web browser enable SSL 2.0 or greater for the page content to appear.
console(config)# crypto certificate generate key_generate
console(config)# ip https server
When initially enabling an http or https session, enter
for user name and
NOTE: Http and Https services require level 15 access and connect directly to the configuration level
Software Download and Reboot
Software Download Through XModem
This section contains instructions for downloading device software (system and boot images) using
XModem, which is a data transfer protocol for updating back-up configuration files.
To download a boot file using XModem:
Enter the command
console# xmodem: boot
The switch is ready to receive the file via the XModem protocol and displays text similar to
the following:
console# copy xmodem: boot